Welcome to WICSA

Sydney, Australia, April 7-11, 2014

11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture

WICSA 2014 is held in Sydney, Australia. Sydney is a cosmopolitan and compact capital where form follows the function, where both sea and deep forests are just a stone’s throw away. More…



General Chair

Anna Liu, NICTA, Australia

Program Chairs

John Klein, Software Engineering Institute, USA

Antony Tang, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Industrial Chair

Ian Gorton, Software Engineering Institute/CMU, USA

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline:  30 Sep 2013

Submission deadline:  7 Oct 2013 12 Oct 2013

Notifications to authors:  16 Dec 2013

Camera ready copies ready: 10 Feb 2014

Conference:   7-11 April 2014

Co-located event – ASWEC 2014

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